How well do you know Starflight

This was dedicated to Tul T. Sutherland she is a nice writer she is amazing and she told me that I can we can be too. I hope you understand. Thank you.

Not everyone is a genius but are a genius just like Tul T. Sutherland. I bet you can write a story like she did. you are amazing at what you do thank you.

Created by: Amber
  1. Witch tribe dose Starflight come from
  2. How was Starflight taken?
  3. Who was Star flight pretending to be?
  4. What was the FIRST thing Starflight disagreed with Tsunami?
  5. What did Starflight say after Glory mimicked Tsunami
  6. What was Starflight good at?
  7. Who agreed with Staflight when he said he smelled something
  8. Who followed Starflight into the trees when they were scared of the Skywings?
  9. How was Starflight in the Nightwing Kingdom
  10. Who did Starflight like?
  11. Who was the new Nightwing Starflight met
  12. Who was Starflight's Father
  13. When did Sunny find out that Starflight liked her

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Starflight