How well do you know Star Wars's Galactic Republic.

Hey, it's my first time doing a quiz like this; never the less I hope it is at least decent and you enjoy it, so have a good time it's not that hard. ;)

It is very hard to score a bad grade on this so I guess your welcome for that? But anyways if you do score a bad score just know you are in my prayers bro.

Created by: stpboy
  1. When was the Galatic Republic founded?
  2. What is the Capital of the Galatic Republic?
  3. Who did the Galatic Republic have the support of?
  4. Who led the Galatic Republic during the Clone Wars?
  5. What is the title of the leader of the Galatic Republic?
  6. How long did the Galatic Republic last?
  7. What was the official name of the government style?
  8. For many of thousands of years was the Galatic Republic's military disbanded?
  9. How many systems are in the Galatic Republic?
  10. Who was the Galactic Empire's main enemy in the Clone Wars?
  11. Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagis the Wise?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Star Wars's Galactic Republic.
