How well do you know SSG?

If you think you know SSG then try this quiz. I think you will really enjoy it! If you enjoy this quiz then check out more! There are general knowladge ones opinion ones and much more!

If you dont get 100% then try again and you could get the high score so believe in yourself! We hope you enjoy taking this quiz and many others have fun!

Created by: Olivia Weston
  1. Who is the Thursday spot?
  2. What year did Emily join SSG?
  3. What channel was Avery on before she joined SSG?
  4. Who is Mimis BFF?
  5. Who was the Monday spot before Emily?
  6. In gymnastics videos what colour is Kaelyns leatard?
  7. What colour is Rachaels leatard?
  8. What is Ellies sister called?
  9. What is Emilys sister called?
  10. How old was Emily when she joined?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know SSG?
