How well do you know Sophie?

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See how well you know Sophie! She is not famous and I bet you are coming here from discord and ur my friend oh wait I don't have any friends help me ahh

idk what to put so im just gonna name off a lot of famous ppls taco, nev, trev, sky, mystic, void, teddy, david, super, g-dad, effect & sally green gamer

Created by: Sophie
  1. Who is Sophie's best friend?
  2. What is Sophie's real name?
  3. Where is Sophie from?
  4. When is Sophie's birth day?
  5. What pet does Sophie love more?
  6. How much does Sophie go to the beach?
  7. What is Sophie's fave game?
  8. What does Sophie play?
  9. What is Sophie's fave thing to drink?
  10. Who is Sophie's fave Singer/Band?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Sophie?

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