How well do you know Sonic The Heghog?

This quiz is a 10 question quiz that will tet your knowlage about Sonic the Heghog. If you are dumb and dont know ANYTHING about Sega than dont take this quiz.

However if you do know think you have what it takes than go right on ahead. If you are to complete this fine quiz then you have learned the basics of Sonic.

Created by: Dakota
  1. What is Sonic's favorite food?
  2. Who has a crush on Sonic?
  3. What color is Sonic (not be racist)
  4. What is the first zone you start the game in?
  5. Who taught Sonic the spin dash move in Sonic The Hegehog 2?
  6. Who is the enemy of Sonic?
  7. True or False? Tails is Sonic's best friend
  8. What does Sonic use to stay alive?
  9. True or False: Sonic and Amy's relationship is canon
  10. Last Question! Is Sonic faster than the speed of light or the speed of sound?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Sonic The Heghog?