How well do you know sonic?

I am a HUGE sonic fan! So I decided to test the knowledge of YOU guys! If you get them right your prize is... Drumroll please *Insert drumroll noise here* A GOOD FEELING!

Hope you get top marks! 😋😋😋 I hope you enjoy this quiz and I might make more in the future! But now it is finally time to jump in to my awesome quiz!

Created by: Finley
  1. Is Angel island zone the 1st zone in sonic and knuckles?
  2. When was Sonic mania released?
  3. Can you play as Tails and knuckles (duo) in sonic the hedgehog 2 Mobile?
  4. Is the dropdash in a prototype version of Sonic the hedgehog 2?
  5. Which Antagonist first starred in sonic Cd?
  6. Which of these games is NOT on the Sega game gear
  7. Does knuckles look different in a prototype version of Sonic the hedgehog 3?
  8. Which game is character no. 80 in?
  9. Which of these games does not have a master system port?
  10. Which of these zones is not in sonic the hedgehog?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know sonic?

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