How Well Do You Know SML?

SML (supermariologan) is a very funny youtube channel. Cool characters, silly plots, and overall its nice to watch, even if you don't like Mario. I recommend you watch 1 episode of it.

How well do YOU know it? Are you a noob or a professional sml fan? Take da quiz and find out for yourself. Subscribe to logan afterwards. #HELP LOGAN REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!

Created by: Joseph

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who does cody love?
  2. What episode did jeffy first come in?
  3. Where did junior have his 8th birthday?
  4. Who loves to say "why?" a lot?
  5. How many parts does chef pee-pee quits have?
  6. Who became junior's 24-hour assistant?
  7. Finish this phrase: "what the ____ junior?!"
  8. Which character died in an explosion?
  9. Who is belived to be jeffy's dad?
  10. True or false: logan has a brother.

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