How Well Do You Know Skylanders?

Do you like video games? Or quizzes about them? Here is a quiz on one now!!! It will see how well you know the game Sky-Landers! I wonder how well you know it...

This quiz will determine that once and for all!!! I wonder... how well do YOU know the game Sky-Landers??? Take the quiz to find out!!! Have fun taking it!!!

Created by: Haylea
  1. What element is the Skylander Cynder?
  2. What is the rare form of the Skylander Ninjini?
  3. What is Ninjinis real color?
  4. Witch is, according to the creaters of the game, the best combat Skylander when fully upgraded?
  5. What is Zap?
  6. Witch of these Skylanders does not have a mini form?
  7. Witch Skylander IS of the life element?
  8. At the end of 2014, what was the newest Skylanders game?
  9. The Skylander world is called what?
  10. From trap team, witch IS a VILLAN?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Skylanders?