How well do you know Sibuna?

there are many mysteries in HOA. we may never ever ever be uncovered. please take this test to find ou how muc u know SIBUNA! NINA? FABIAN? AMBER? ALFIE? JEROME? EDDIE? JOY? MARA? PATRICIA?

are YOU a house of Anubis fanatic? do you know EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER? YES? NO? MAYBE SO? take this quiz to find out!! might as well

Created by: evee
  1. name 4 characters from SEASON 1
  2. In season 1, when Nina came, the VERY FIRT EPISODE, who was ORIGINALLY Nina's roommate?
  3. Do you like fabina? this is a ONE ANSWER question. I will NOT accept anything else!! :) lol
  4. Off topic..... what is the capitol of California?
  5. Why doesn't Nina come back in season 3? I SAID NINA
  6. Who is the estates caretaker?
  7. What is mr. sweet's FIRST name
  8. why does amber leave?
  9. what is the name of the game that sibuna had to play before obtaining the mask of Anubis?
  10. what is the name of the spirit that haunted (and tormented) sibuna ?
  11. how long where Brathalia rumored to be dating?
  12. who built Anubis house ?
  13. do you like this quiz?
  14. what is the name of patricia's twin?
  15. what is sibuna

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Sibuna?