How well do you know Sherlock

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Hey Sherlock fans!! If you consider yourself a die hard fan maybe give this quiz a try! This quiz is based on some facts about Sherlock and the characters shown in that shown so yeah!!

This quiz will ask you some questions that are some based on facts and some which is just randome, honestly I think this a pretty easy quiz and only restrictions is that you have to be a die hard core Sherlock fan to be able to take this quiz so yeah enjoy

Created by: Zoe
  1. Does Sherlock has a brother
  2. How did Sherlock first get In to Mrs Hudsons good grace?
  3. How are John and Harry Watson related
  4. Sherlock dosent know the inspectors name but actually what is is his real name
  5. In which episode does Sherlock first wears the hat
  6. What is the song Moriarity is listening when he arrives at the facility through a helicopter to meet sherlocks sister
  7. true or false :- Benedicts real parents played his parents in the Sherlock series
  8. Sherlocks brother mycroft works for
  9. Are Sherlock and John Watson together
  10. Moriarity calls himself.....

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Sherlock
