How well do you know Rosanna Pansino? 2019

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Are you a fan of Rosanna Pansino? Yes or no You’ll find out! Are you bored and can’t watch her!? This is the quiz for you! You will love this and she would be so proud!

If you’re not a fan and this was a test in school you would fail. No cheating! Please like this quiz I spent so long trying to do this and even if you’re not a fan plz like.

Created by: Someone
  1. What is Rosanna’s sister’s name?
  2. What kind of dog does she have
  3. What is her dog’s name?
  4. What is her nickname
  5. What is her boyfriend’s name? (YouTube version)
  6. What is the name of her baking tutorial thingys?
  7. What is her sister’s dog name?
  8. How old is Ro?
  9. Last question What did she do before she started baking?
  10. Never mind two more questions, when was she born?
  11. Will I be mad if you don’t like her?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Rosanna Pansino? 2019
