How well do you know Roblox?

This quiz is just for plain fun! If you got a very bad score and you've been playing since 2006, don't get triggered! Good luck on the test! I have nothing else to say.

The Rules Are: NO CHEATING, HAVE FUN, NO GETTING TRIGGERED! Have a fun time with my test! Hope you enjoy! :D I have nothing else to say, so bye everybody

Created by: Benjamin
  1. What is the name of this game?
  2. What is a noob/guest/bacon hair?
  3. How do you move around in Roblox?
  4. When was Roblox founded?
  5. When did Roblox remove tix?
  6. When was anthro released?
  7. How much *ACTIVE* players are on Roblox?
  8. What was Roblox named in 2004 and 2005?
  9. Where is the Roblox HQ?
  10. When did the Roblox Project all start?
  11. Who was a popular youtuber in old Roblox Youtube (2006, 2007, 2008, etc.)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Roblox?

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