how well do you know rlc?

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you are a user of the rlc program and studying the many options and exploring rlc and the vww this quiz is designed to test your knowledge and know how about the whole of rlc in general.

this quiz will let you find out actually if you can brag about your rlc know how and are above average user of rlc it is ment to show you your brain power as related to the rlc and vww.

Created by: GinaUV
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. question #1 what is WC abriviation meaning in rlc?
  2. what are these members names that have the [Guide] above there nicknames and what are there functions on rlc?
  3. what are [protector] badges for on rlc and what are there jobs?
  4. what are patches and what are there function?
  5. who is brian and what does he mean to rlc?
  6. what is the utherverse academy and what function does it serve?
  7. if you are a basic member are you allowed to purchase a zaby on rlc?
  8. what is a uvip?
  9. what is a basic member?
  10. what is the difference bettween a uvip member and a vip member?
  11. can a basic member private message another member that is also a basic member?
  12. can a basic member have sex or undress there avatar on rlc?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know rlc?