How well do you know Reyna Rodrigez?

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You all know that quiz i made about which second generation Percy Jackson character you are? This is based off of that. Reyna Rodrigez is one of my characters.

You might also know about my How well do you know Selena Claire Jackson? quiz. Check out my profile for that one. the other quiz is on another profile, GinnyWeasley12. please remember to rate and leave a comment if you can!

  1. Who are Reyna Rodrigez's parents?
  2. what is Reyna's gender?
  3. what is Reyna's sexual orientation?
  4. Does she play an instrument?
  5. If so, which ones?
  6. Is she greek or roman?
  7. Is she intellectual or physically at an advantage?
  8. What is her species?
  9. is she a pacifist or an aggressor?
  10. What color is her natural hair?
  11. What color eyes was she born with?
  12. Did she have a...
  13. How old is she as of 2023?
  14. Is she currently dating someone as of 2023?
  15. Do you like Reyna?
  16. If you got her in the original quiz, you would know how much she changed in 3 years. She grew her hair, adapted a sense of style, but she's got the same personality as always!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Reyna Rodrigez?
