How Well Do You Know Rappers That Passed Away?

There are many things that people know about rappers abut do you remember them after their death or do you forget about them like lil peep and the other rappers people loved and adored.

People think that it is not a big deal about these rappers but some rappers have saved peoples lives like mac miller actually I met him before he died and he helped me feel wanted.

Created by: skylar cook
  1. Which rapper died of an Xanax-fentanyl?
  2. Which rapper was shot to death in his home town?
  3. Which rapper died of an overdose in September of last year?
  4. What rapper also died in his hometown of shots to the neck?
  5. What rapper died of a seizure:?
  6. Which rapper was shot to death in Toronto?
  7. Which rapper was shot and killed in Maryland?
  8. Which rapper was shot in Richmond?
  9. Which rapper was lost to gun violence in Delaware?
  10. Which rapper died of gunshot wound?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Rappers That Passed Away?
