How well do you know Queen Elizabeth 1

Elizabeth the first was a queen of England no queen was/ is more boloved then she was/ is she was a great scholar knowing 5 languages ( pretty smart huh)

In this quiz you can prove yourselves to be an elizabethian some will fall and some will win no matter what happens I thank you for taking my quiz please comment !!!!!!!

Created by: Erin 123
  1. When was she born
  2. Who was her mother
  3. Who was a childhood friend of hers
  4. Who did she hate from the time her father died to the time he/ she died
  5. Did she ever go to jail
  6. When did she become queen
  7. What did she invent
  8. In what year did she have a massive war against Spain
  9. Was she married
  10. When did she die
  11. Pie?
  12. Bye

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Queen Elizabeth 1