How Well Do You Know Pusheen?

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Hello, Pusheen fans! I hope you enjoy my quiz! This is my first ever quiz that I'm making so I hope you like it! Leave comments on how well you did(you don't have to)!

🚨Warning🚨 This quiz is STRICTLY banned to those who have never ever read a Pusheen comic strip below. Start with your own risk! REmember... I warned you!

Created by: silverdapple
  1. When is Pusheen's birthday?
  2. How many stripes does Pusheen have?
  3. What is Pusheen's least favorite food?
  4. Where is Pusheeen's favorite place to sleep?
  5. What is the name of Pusheen's little sister?
  6. What is Pusheen's favorite kind of pizza?
  7. What is Pusheen's goal?
  8. What is Pusheen's name based on?
  9. What kind of cat is Pusheen?
  10. What is the official Pusheen website?
  11. What color is Pusheen?
  12. How much do you like Pusheen?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Pusheen?
