How well do you know Poke'mon

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Poke'mon are amazing creatures, with amazing powers. But there's so much to know about poke'mon. Like, how does a Gliscore fly? How many evolutions does Eevee have? But the real question is, Are YOU a poke'mon master? If you'r a poke'mon master, you need to know lots about poke'mon!

Ever wanted to BE a poke'mon master? In other words, the worlds best poke'mon trainer? Well here's you'r chance! Answer these questions about poke'mon, and you'r an intelligent pokemon master!

Created by: Rachel

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  1. How many evolutions does every poke'mon have?
  2. All of these are rare poke'mon. Which is rarest?
  3. Glaceon is one of how many of Eevee's evolutions?
  4. These are all rare poke'mon, exept one. Which one is it?
  5. Which one of these was Ash's starter poke'mon?
  6. What does Purugly represent?
  7. Gargash evolves into what?
  8. How many regions has Ash visited?
  9. Gliscore can only fly when there's lots of what?
  10. Which one of these moves is not a water-type move?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Poke'mon