How Well Do You Know Pokémon (The Games)

Ahhh, the world of Pokémon. It runs everyone's lives, even if you absolutely hate it. But thats not the point. I want to know how well you know the world of Pokemon as we currently know it. Lets Go! :3

Okay, this quize took me a while to do. It's the first quiz i have ever made, so pleassse answer each question as best you can. p.s. i make and take quizes on my DSi, which is, litterally, getting worse each day because the top screen has a line in it and its getting longer each day. :'

Created by: ShayminLuvah
  1. How many generations of Pokémon r there?
  2. Can u hack Pokémon games?
  3. Quick! Wat is Pokémon #492?
  4. Does Eevee have more than 4 formes?
  5. Who r the champions of each of the 4 regions?
  6. Name the 4 primary regions of Pokémon.
  7. Does Pokémon run EVERYON'S lives (even if they dont like Pokémon) ?
  8. Which is better, water, fire, or grass type Pokémon ?
  9. Combee is the (blank) Pokémon.
  10. Last 1! Can an "ugly as hell" Pokémon evolve into a "beutiful as heavan" Pokémon?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Pokémon (The Games)