How well do you know Pitch perfect1

Are you Pitchtastic? Test how well you know this movie! Before you take the quiz you should probably take time to revise the movie. See you when you are done!🤗

Are you a genious. Are able to be put into that marvellous title? You can take the quiz even your dog can!!! Make sure your pets don't ruin it though! 🤗 Thanks

Created by: Pitch Perfect

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who vomits on the stage
  2. What is the name of the song they preform at the start
  3. Jesse loves what movie
  4. Why doesn't Aubrey like Beca ( start of movie )
  5. Who is your favourite
  6. Why does Fat Amy name herself Fat Amy. Look carefully at the questions the answer is right underneath the question!
  7. Does Beca become leader at all during the movie
  8. Third last question. Why does Beca leave the group at the start than come back
  9. 2nd!' Have you enjoyed this quiz
  10. Thank you for taking the quiz

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Pitch perfect1