How well do you know PewDiePie?

If you know you're PewDiePie facts you must be a true bro. Are you bro or barrel? Find out in this exciting quiz of epicness and maybe could make you smart!

So if you are a true bro, you must finish this 95-100% and that would mean... AIN'T NO PARTY LIKE A PEWDIEPIE PARTY WOOOOOOOOT LETS DANCE TO THE MUSIC

Created by: BroFist
  1. What year did Pewdie start his channel?
  2. What is PewDiePie's worst enemy?
  3. When did PewDiePie meet his girlfriend in Italy?
  4. What is 3 of his best friends from Amnesia?
  5. What game was PewDiePie's first vid on?
  6. What year was PewDiePie born? (Hint: Follow him on Facebook for the answer!)
  7. What was his most heartbreaking game?
  8. What was his first line when he met Stephano?
  9. What does Stephano say to Pewdie when he finds him?
  10. What lines are correct for Pewdie from these games?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know PewDiePie?