How well do you know Pavel Datsyuk?

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Who do you look up to? Who would you like to be like? If you find someone you are inspired by a lot you can accomplish anything. For me that man is Pavel Datsyuk.

Are you a big Datsyuk fan? Want to test your knowledge about Datsyuk? Or do want to learn more about The Magician? My quiz will test what you know and don't know about Datsyuk.

Created by: RedwingsFanatic112
  1. What team does Datsyuk play for?
  2. What country is Datsyuk from?
  3. What kind of player is Datsyuk?
  4. Datsyuk shoots...
  5. What Award has Datsyuk won 4 consecutive times?
  6. What is the name of Datsyuk's wife?
  7. What is Datsyuk's jersey number?
  8. Which of Datsyuk's parents are alive today?
  9. How tall is Datsyuk?
  10. How much does Datsyuk weigh?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Pavel Datsyuk?