How well do you know Pali?

So you think you know Pali? Obviously you dont if your so insecure about our friendship that your taking a quiz about it. Seriously thats kinda lame and stuff y'know?

Gosh another paragraph? Humm... what to say? I like cheese. And Macaroni. (No that wont help you with the quiz before you ask) umm.... this is boring. Blah.

Created by: Pali
  1. What are Pali's favorite colors?
  2. How old is Pali?
  3. What type of socks does Pali prefer?
  4. What is Pali's favorite saying?
  5. What state does Pali live in?
  6. How long has Pali been playing Ponybox?
  7. Which servers does Pali play on?
  8. Who is Pali's bestie
  9. Who is Pali real life friends with?
  10. Why are you taking this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Pali?