how mlg are you

Are you MLG? Do you even know what it means? Find out now and no longer wonder. This rates your mlg skills and hopefully might be kinda fun....? well I do hope so

Don't worry it's only twelve questions not 25 it's kinda like the pacer test... Uh... Ha ha ha? Ok that was lame but it's short and hopefully more fun than the pacer...

Created by: Sadistic Mule
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is a saint
  2. What's the most memetastic
  3. who is best
  4. Can u noscope
  5. who killed harambe
  6. who lives in a apple
  7. who wood u marry
  8. who's in the illuminati
  9. what does the best president say
  10. what wood u eat

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Quiz topic: How mlg am I