How well do you know Orange is the new Black

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There are many people saying that they know all about Orange is the new back? But there are some that will get all of the answers correct and when they do ,the. They are 100 percent true oitnb fans .

This quiz will only tell you that if you really know what or who the show is about. And any True fans will take this and they will get all of the questions correct. And when they do then they know that they are a true Orange Is The New Black Fan .

Created by: Kelly23

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Why is piper sentenced to 15 months in prison?
  2. Before piper was sentenced to prison what was her job before ?
  3. Piper dissed reds food so what did red do to piper?
  4. When piper was moved to Mrs. Claudette's room ? What did crazy eyes do?
  5. What is crazy eyes real name ?
  6. who is Daya's baby dad?
  7. What song landed piper in the shu?
  8. What went missing ?
  9. What channel is the show on?
  10. What's the name of the prison?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Orange is the new Black