How well Do YOU know One Direction?

If you Get 100% On this you really know alot about One Direction. If you dont like one direction i wouldnt sugest taking it but if you do BE MY GUEST.

Do you really know One Direction? I mean REALLY know them? Well take this quizz to find out. And always remember KEEP ON LOVING ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: I love Louis Tomlinson
  1. How maney albums dose One Direction have?
  2. Who say's "I like girls who eat carrots"
  3. Whitch band mate is from Ireland?
  4. Whitch one is a quote from Zayn?
  5. What comes next... "Then I see you on the street in his arms i get weak..."
  6. Who is known as the " flirt"
  7. How dose Zayn spell his real name?
  8. Who is known as "tthe responsable one"?
  9. How maney brothers and or sisters dose Louis Tomlinson?
  10. Who has a fake pigeon naked "Kevin"?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know One Direction?