How well do you know Olivia Rodrigo?

Olivia Rodrigo fan?If so this is the quiz for you.Take this quiz and find out if you know all about Olivia!Ten questions of Olivia Rodrigo-based quiz questions.

Drivers license?Deja vu?Good 4 u?Love is embarrasing?Brutal?Get him back?Wondering?Teenage dream?Hope your ok?Obsessed?Traitor?Logical?1 step forward ,3 steps back?

Created by: Bella
  1. "When pretty isnt pretty enough"...
  2. and you left me there crying
  3. 1 step forwards,
  4. bloodsucker...
  5. but if youre out there
  6. ill blow out the candles...
  7. i want to key his car,wanna make him lunch,want to break his heart
  8. all i see is what i should be happier...
  9. i got my drivers license...
  10. "master manipulator",what song is this from?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Olivia Rodrigo?
