How well do you know o2l?

There are few true o2l fans that have stuck with the boys since day 1. You have been there for their first million and for the breakups and people leaving. Or maybe you just recently found o2l and want to test your knowledge.

Are YOU a true fan of o2l? Do you know the details and history? Test your knowledge with this quiz that will make sure you know each boy. If you want to be a TRUE FAN take this quiz!

Created by: Michelle
  1. How many members are on o2l?
  2. When did Connor Franta leave o2l?
  3. Which o2l member sung echo?
  4. Which person left o2l in 2013?
  5. What type of cake does Sam make in an o2l video?
  6. Who's birthday is on April 4th?
  7. Which o2l member is considered the cook of the o2l house?
  8. Which o2l member has diabetes?
  9. What is Kian's lucky number?
  10. Do you love o2l?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know o2l?