How well do you know Ninjago ? 2

Ninjago is a great tv show. Many people find it funny and realy intreasting. But do you know it all??Find out in this quiz. :-) cool.. by me if you hate me

This quiz is good.plz plz try it. i am good .Plz t\ake my quiz. Im writting this so i can use space.!! Wow to everyone in this world"!!" Please comment

Created by: Jersey
  1. What is the first episode were Morro appears ?
  2. What is the name of Kai and Nya's blacksmith ?
  3. What is Nya's elemental couler ?
  4. How many episodes are there in all of ninjago at the end of season 5 ?
  5. Witch below is the wrong group of lovers?
  6. What does P.I.X.A.L stand for ?
  7. Can Bansha use the elements Mind and Sound without stealing them?
  8. Who loves Nya?(in the girlfriend way.)
  9. How many people have used the Mind element?
  10. Is ninjago good ?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Ninjago ? 2