How Well do you know NF?

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This is a quiz about NF and facts to see how well you know him, take it seriously because what I ask in this quiz has true answers have fun and enjoy it

NF has all of my respect I'm a True fan of his, maybe you are to, maybe your aren't but your here to find out aren't you, if not then why are you here no offense just curious?

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  1. What song of NF's has the most views on youtube?
  2. What is NF's full name?
  3. Is he having a Kid?
  4. What was NF's first song?
  5. What song does this lyric go to?"I'm playful with it, yeah, basicallyToo great to mimic, you hate, you're bitter"
  6. How old is NF?
  7. What is NF net worth?
  8. Where was NF born?
  9. What is NF's newest Album or Mixtape
  10. Who is NF's producer?
  11. What is NF's slogan?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I know NF?

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