How well do you know Neji Hyuga

Hello there this is a quiz that relies on your facts about Neji Hyuga make sure to check out my other Naruto quizes they are AWESOMe I mean FIREEEE have a great day bye.

All the credits to Masashi Kishimoto he is the creator of Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto so all the credits to the amazing man he is have a great day bye.

Created by: Narutofanboy2222
  1. Who is Neji's sensei
  2. Who are Neji's allies (Teammates)
  3. Who is Neji's cousin
  4. Does Neji have a byakugan
  5. What's Neji's IQ
  6. How old is Neji
  7. In Shippuden is Neji a jounin
  8. How many missions did Neji complete
  9. What does Neji's name mean
  10. How does Neji die

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Neji Hyuga
