How well do you know Natsu Dragneel?

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How well do you know about Natsu Dragneel? We are about to find out! Now I am going to type random letters to take up space. uwdbcuewcbfniubckiuydsnfkbveiv...


Created by: Katrina
  1. Where is Natsu's guild mark located?
  2. Which race is he? (i'm not racist)
  3. Natsu has a scar on which side of his neck that is hidden by his scarf?
  4. Natsu scarf is knitted by...
  5. What is Natsu's signature move
  6. Does Natsu have a brother
  7. Is Igneel his father?
  8. Who is the first dragon slayer he met
  9. Does he care about the color contrast of his jacket and his scarf?
  10. When was he born?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Natsu Dragneel?
