How well do you know nash grier

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There are many girls who know a lot about this young man but maybe your better than those girls so use that clever genius mind of yours to defeat those girls and win the pro fan title.

Are you a Nash Grier fan? Do you think you have the power to win the nash grier pro fan title? Just click on this quiz and find out if nash would possibly date you or not.

Created by: samantha

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is nash's full name?
  2. When is Nash's birthday?
  3. How many siblings does he have?
  4. What is his favorite ice cream flavor?
  5. Who is his best friend?
  6. What is his favorite t.v show?
  7. Whats his favorite sport?
  8. What number was he in football?
  9. Whats the name of his upcoming movie?
  10. Which State Is He From?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know nash grier