How well do you know my sisters?

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Hi guys! This quiz is a simple guessing game. Let's see how much you know about my sisters. Sounds fun right! Please comment and like this quiz and check out

some of my other ones. Anyways, enjoy my quiz and don't forget to check out some others. I just got a new account so most of my quizzes are not on it. Start this quiz please!

Created by: GinnyWeasley12
  1. First of Hello! How are y'all? You guys ready for a guessing game?
  2. What color is my youngest sisters hair?
  3. what color are my youngest sisters eyes?
  4. What is my youngest sisters name?
  5. What's her skin color? (Your not being racist if you are answering this.)
  6. Ok. The next few questions will be about my other sister.
  7. What color is her hair?
  8. What color are her eyes?
  9. What is her name?
  10. What is her skin color?
  11. The next couple of questions are for both of them.
  12. What are there favorite movies?
  13. What is their favorite shleich?
  14. What is their fave food together?
  15. What's their favorite restaurant together?
  16. Ok bye now!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my sisters?

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