How well do you know My Little Pony?

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Are you My Little Pony CRAZY and you can prove it? Well take this test to be sure. Until now you could wonder what you will say to everyone when you don't know how many episodes there are.

Created by: Glory
  1. When was My Little Pony made?
  2. How many MLP FIM episodes are there?
  3. Who does Tara Strong play?
  4. Who married Shining Amour?
  5. Who plays Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy?
  6. Who is Bab Seed?
  7. Pick the right word to end the song/sentence...We travel the roads for_____, creating a common family bond...
  8. Pick the right word to end the song/sentence... I mean who does that, sing a song at a drop of a____.
  9. Pick the right word to end the song/sentence... Hey hey_____ up now
  10. Pick the right word to end the song/sentence...a true, true____ helps a _____ in need. (they are the same word so dont worry)
  11. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know My Little Pony?