How well do you know my little pony

Welcome to how well you know my little pony.This is quiz isnt made by me my little sister decided to do this kiddie quiz cause she is an expert!!!!!!!

you got the intelligence in your brain and i know you will get this quiz great and awesome!!!!!!!!!! I know you cantry it again on other time I know!!

Created by: Dholliday2000
  1. who is the kindness pony
  2. Who likes to buck apple trees
  3. Who is the only dragon who lives in ponyville
  4. Who loves fashion really much
  5. Who studies magic and is not sunburst or starlight
  6. Who use to be evil but turned nice
  7. who is very fast
  8. How many Princess are there
  9. Who is the scariest when it comes to facing every pony
  10. Who likes to throw parties

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my little pony

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