How well do you know music?

This test is to see how much you know about Music. This has popular song writers,songs, and popular singers. My favorite songwriter is Katy Perry!!!!!

I made this quiz because i was board. Also make sure you dont cheat! This is my Third quiz i have ever made. My other quiz is 'What amiibo are you' and 'Does your crush like you?'.

Created by: GianMarco
  1. What song was Blank space created by
  2. Who made Animals
  3. who made We R who we R
  4. Who made counting stars
  5. who made the song diamonds
  6. who made the song hurricane
  7. SUPER EASY Who made the song shake it off
  8. Who made the song shake it up?
  9. Make up a song in the comments or a parody song ( will not effect answers )
  10. Who made the song replay
  11. Do you think you passed? ( Will not effect answers )

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Quiz topic: How well do I know music?