How well do you know music?

For the love of god they won't let me put anything in this friggen text box. Speaking of box, oxen. Or just ox. Or just whatever fills up this box faster.

They said not to use netspeak, but I shall do it just to make them mad! Here's a translation of the 1st paragraph: mmkay so long story short I couldn't make a translation. so yeah.

Created by: Soulfire1123
  1. Dance, this is the way they love...
  2. I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end...
  3. And then you step outta the...
  4. I'm gonna change you like a remix, then...
  5. The nights go on...
  6. God bless us everyone, we're a...
  7. Dance, Dance. We're...
  8. Sitting in an empty room, trying to...
  9. I know what it takes to move on. I know how it feels to...
  10. One night and one more time...
  11. Didja like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know music?