How well do you know MSP?

Hello, My name is Courtney and I AM IN LOVE WITH MSP!!!!!!! MSP is an amazing game were you can meet new friends play games and have fun!You can buy VIP TOO!

If you buy vip you will get more features but also get starcoins and diamonds. What are starcoins you ask? well starcoins are just another word for coins. It's what msp uses. ANYWAY enough talk and HAVE FUN!

Created by: courtney of
(your link here more info)
  1. Are you allowed to enter msp with no clothes?
  2. What level do you have to be to send gifts?
  3. What level are you?
  4. Why are there monitors?
  5. Can you buy clothes with diamonds??
  6. How do you create an artbook?
  7. Are you able to contact MSP through email?
  8. Are you able to message a monitor??
  9. Can you get Pixi with a girl Or zac with a boy??
  10. Do you have holly nova??
  11. If I told you this story would you quit MSP?? One day I was playing MSp and i got packed 3 times!!! and then my friend got packed!!!
  12. what year did MSP start??
  13. did you like this quiz? (will not affect score)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know MSP?