How well do you know morgz?

Do you know about the famous 17 year old youtuber, or do you not and just doing this quiz because you are as bored? Either way good luck!

He is rurally cool and awkward but still an amazing person. Please come and do this quiz or else you will make people die and everyone will hate you !!!!!!!

Created by: bob
  1. Who is morgz girlfriend?
  2. what pet does he have?
  3. How many pets does he have?
  4. What are his pets names?
  5. What are his pets names again?
  6. Who is his mums boyfriend?
  7. What does he called his mums boyfriend?
  8. What is his mums name?
  9. How many subscribers did morgz have in october 2018?
  10. How many houses has he lived in?
  11. What coulor hair does he have?
  12. What are his most popular videos?

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