How well do you know MoomWatcher (WoF)

How well do you know moonwatcher from the wings of fire universe? This quiz will test your knowledge!

This is an easy quiz about moonwatcher. If you know anything about it, you should be able to pass this quiz without much trouble. But let's find out

Created by: WoFSilkwings
  1. What are Moonwatchers powers
  2. what dragon was moon talking to in her mind?
  3. who are moons parents?
  4. what does moon accidentally tell Qibli about
  5. in book 12, moon ________ with Luna
  6. how did moon feel when she learned the truth about darkstalker
  7. who does moon meet in the sandwing hut
  8. witch winglet is moon in?
  9. witch tribe is moon
  10. moon has animus magic
  11. moon can see the future
  12. moon is a icewing-nightwing hybrid

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Quiz topic: How well do I know MoomWatcher (WoF)

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