How well do you know moi?

Well, I was taking a test on a friend's page and I figured, hey why don't I have a test? So, in response to my lazyness, I have decided to make my official, Do you know me, test. Please take it and enjoy the experiance and questions that will make you think about me.

So, do you think you know me? A little? A lot? Or really don't know? Then take my test and find out how well you actually know me and don't stress it if you do baddly, it just means that we need to hang out more.

Created by: Shelby of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is my all time fave type of music?
  2. How many pets do I have?
  3. What are my 2 pets names?
  4. How old am I and when's my b day?
  5. What school do I go to?
  6. What did I sing for the Talent Show this year?
  7. Which one of the following will I NEVER EVER BECOME!?
  8. How many siblings do I have?
  9. What is my whole name?
  10. The most important question yet, am I awesome?? (p.s. this is prolly the easiest q on my test.)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know moi?