How well do you know MLP?

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There many Bronys out there. If you want to know if you can pass this easy quiz, take it! What ye'all wait'in for? Come on take this quiz! Pinkie pie will give you a pie!

Are you at least a Changling when it comes to this? Take this, yes, this quiz to find out! You know you want to take thsi quiz, so take thsi beautiful quiz!

Created by: Ellie
  1. How many seasons are there?
  2. How many different types of ponys are there?
  3. What type of animal/pony is Gilda?
  4. How many princesses are there?
  5. What are girls that like the show called?
  6. What are the elements?
  7. Would this be boring to Rainbow Dash?
  8. Who is who's oppsite?
  9. What does Twilight become?
  10. What type of animal is Spike?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know MLP?