How Well Do You Know MLP?

This is a MLP quiz, to see how well you know the series. (Friendship is Magic) I welcome you to take this fun quiz based on the series! I hope you enjoy it!

Are you a MLP fan? Would you like to see how well you know the TV show? Well, click the link to see how well you know! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks, if you do take it!

Created by: Derpy Hooves
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color is Applejack?
  2. Who is the princess who raises the sun?
  3. What is the name of Twilight's dragon?
  4. Fill in the blanks. "Princess ________" Hint: Pinkish in color, and has something to do with hearts.
  5. What is the name of the episode when a new "shiny" kingdom is introduced?
  6. What is Applejack's little sister's name?
  7. Who says: "That's a little trick Celestia taught me!"
  8. What color is Rarity's magic?
  9. What is Twilight's greatest fear?
  10. What is Pinkie Pie's Cutie Mark?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know MLP?