How well do you know Minecraft?

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This is the ULTIMATE Minecraft quiz, so if you are bored, just come and do this quiz!!! Minecraft is my all-time favourite game, so I decided, why not make a quiz of my own!

Please just lie back and relax while you enjoy this MARVELOUS 10 question quiz (hey, alliteration!). You may see random letters every where, but it is just so there is the correct amount. You have been warned...

Created by: Phoebe
  1. What is the name of the male starter character?
  2. What is the name of the mob that explodes?
  3. What is the height (in blocks) of an average Minecraft character?
  4. Who was the Minecraft creators code name?
  5. What is the main boss mobs name?
  6. What is the name of the dimension you have to go to to get to the End dimension?
  7. What is a mod?
  8. What is this quiz even about?
  9. Why did I waste my time on this quiz? I know you guys aren't gonna appreciate it!!!
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Minecraft?
