How Well Do You Know Michael Vey (book 1)?!

Hey people! I’m a huge fan of the Michael vey series so I made this quiz! This is my first quiz so don’t judge me if it is bad (it is😬😳🙊). I hope you enjoy it!!!

You all are going to do awesome so good luck! Shout out to the author of this amazing series, Richard Paul Evan’s!!! You can let me know in the comments what you think and give me feedback for my next quiz! If you have any suggestions for my next quiz be sure to let me know in the comments!

Created by: Evelyn
  1. Who are the 3 bullies bothering Michael at the beginning of the book?
  2. Who is Michael's best friend?
  3. What is the name of the school Michael and Taylor are invited to?
  4. Who do Michael and ostin ask for a ride to California?
  5. What is Taylor’s secret ability?
  6. How many electric children are there?
  7. What’s Michael’s favorite place to eat?
  8. Who’s your favorite character? (Won’t impact your result)
  9. Does Michael find his mom in the first book?
  10. Where do Taylor, Tara, and Hatch go out to eat when Taylor first arrives?
  11. Who helps Michael in cell 25?
  12. What is Taylor’s dads job?
  13. What shocking secret does Taylor find out when she first arrives at the academy? That she’s………
  14. Who is the principal of Michael's school?
  15. What condition does Michael have? And what does he call his symptoms?
  16. How did you like this quiz? It was my first one

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Michael Vey (book 1)?!
