How well do you know me? (Firegirl88)

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So, you wanna know how well you know me? Here's the quiz to find out. I wanna know how many people are my friends and pay attention to what I say about myself.

Do you know me? My life? Who I am? This is the quiz made in ten minutes to tell you! I hope you enjoy, and learn some stuff about me if you didn't know.

Created by: firegirl88

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's my favorite type of music?
  2. What's my real name?
  3. What's my favorite movie genre?
  4. Do I like penguins?
  5. Do I prefer darkness or light?
  6. What do I do a lot in my spare time?
  7. What do I write?
  8. What's my nickname my real life friend gave me?
  9. How do I act in real life?
  10. Would I like to be scene?
  11. What stereotype am I given in real life?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me? (Firegirl88)