How well do you know me 2.0

this quiz tells you jsut how much you know me... There are few people on here who know me as if theyve known me my our whole lives..... This is an updated version of my first quiz.

thiz quiz tells you jsut how much you know me... There are a few people on here who know mw as if theyve known me our whole lives...... This is an updated version of my first quiz.

Created by: DesecrationDemon
  1. What's my favourite kind of music?
  2. What's my favourite movie?
  3. What's my favourite band?
  4. Who's my favourite person in the world?
  5. What's my entire name
  6. What's my entire name
  7. Do I love my biological mama
  9. I ran out of quitsions, so who's my favourite wrestler
  10. Last one, who's my favourite anime character

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me 2.0