How well do you know me (2020)?

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Hiii, I'm zeronightshade. I made this quiz because some things on my other quiz were outdated. This new quiz is a more accurate representation of 2020 me.

This quiz will test how well you know the current me! I don't know myself well so I'll probably fail it. This quiz is v tough and it will be the hardest quiz uve ever taken.

Created by: zeronightshade
  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. Who is my favorite person?
  3. Am I a boy or a girl?
  4. How tall am I?
  5. What is my favorite drink?
  6. What is my fursona
  7. What instrument did I play?
  8. What is my sexuality?
  9. Do I believe in ghosts?
  10. What is my favorite candy?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me (2020)?
