How well do you know me?

Ive never tested how well people actually know about me, so I decided to finally put people to the test! Its only 10 questions, but I made sure that this would be a hard one.

Friends would even have trouble answering this, just because there are something things you'd have to stick around to find out about me. Aquaintences would and will have difficulty.

Created by: Vanessa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color eyes do i have?
  2. What is my middle name?
  3. Who is the man I adore?
  4. What is the one thing everyone knows about me.
  5. What did i get my central detention for?
  6. What school did i go to for a month?
  7. What is my favorite color?
  8. What is my cats name and how do i feel about it?
  9. What sport did i do for a long time?
  10. What subject do i hate the most?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?